Ghosttown - 3 Decades

za 14 januari 2023 , TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

Ghosttown - 3 Decades

  • Paul Elstak
  • Promo
  • Panic
  • Drokz
  • DJ Rob & MC Joe
  • MD&A
  • Painbringer
  • Dano
  • Gizmo
  • Bountyhunter
  • Gabber Syndrome
  • The Raver
  • Tec 9
  • Putty
  • DJ The Enforcer
  • Ambient Daan
  • MC Axys
  • MC M-Core
Tickets for Ghosttown - 3 Decades are not for sale anymore

Celebrating 3 decades of Ghosttown in a new location in 2023

After 30 unforgettable years of gabber events at legendary locations like Central Studios and Vechtsebanen, Ghosttown will settle at its new residence as of 2023.

We are beyond excited to announce that, after saying a final goodbye to Central Studios in November, we will celebrate 3 decades of Ghosttown in TivoliVredenburg on January 14th 2023!

A small introduction for those unfamiliar with this great location: TivoliVredenburg is centrally located in Utrecht, right next to the train station. All areas are designed for music and have excellent sound acoustics. Three of the areas will be used at ‘Ghosttown - 3 Decades’.

The mainstage will be based at the Ronda: a large oval shaped area where the balconies and staircases create an unparalleled atmosphere. An amazing experience with the best oldschool, early rave and early hardcore of the planet is guaranteed!

The Pandora area will host The Freak Room. After 5 years this popular space has become an inseparable part of Ghosttown. By moving to TivoliVredenburg, The always jam-packed Freak Room will increase in capacity considerably. So freak out to the powerful 185 BPM+ early hardcore kicks in this new large room!

At the big square in between the areas, you’ll be able to relax, enjoy food and drinks and check out merchandise, while spacing out on the magical tunes of Ambient Daan, which instantly take you back to the early nineties chill out areas.

The line-up of ‘Ghosttown 3 Decades’ will be released early November. Early Ghost tickets are available now at Don’t miss out on this new chapter of Ghosttown history! Let’s celebrate 30 years of gabber at our new territory!

Wat zijn de regels rondom Covid?

Om toegang te krijgen tot dit event moet je kunnen aantonen dat je ofwel volledig bent gevaccineerd, ofwel negatief bent getest binnen 24 uur voor het event, ofwel in de afgelopen 6 maanden bent genezen van Covid-19.
Neem het bewijs in de vorm van een QR code / Coronacheck app samen met je ID mee naar het event. Dit wordt gescand bij de ingang.
Voor het maken van een testafspraak kun je terecht bij Alleen tests gemaakt via deze website zijn geldig.
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To gain access to this event, you’ll have to proof that you are fully vaccinated, have been tested negatively within 24 hours before the event, or have cured from Covid-19 in the last 180 days. Bring this proof as a QR code from the official coronacheck app, together with your ID to the event. It will be scanned at the entrance. To make an appointment for a test, please visit, or the local official testing area in your country of residence. Only official tests are valid. For more information, please check

Ik heb nog een ticket voor de afgelaste versie van Ghosttown. Moet ik iets doen?

Je ticket voor een van de voorgaande geplande edities van Ghosttown - The Final Central Studios Edition is geldig voor dit event, je hoeft niets om te zetten.

Coming up:

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